Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Birthday Party, bye-bye ba-ba & Shots

This past Saturday, Dec 13th, was a big day for us in a couple of ways. First of all was, obviously, Ava's first birthday party. It was a "smashing success". We had a great crowd of family & friends, and Ava received tons of goodies! She had such a good time playing with everyone and everything. Here are just a few of the many pictures taken.

The next milestone that took place Saturday, was saying "bye-bye" to the "ba-ba". We officially cut out the bottle Saturday! We had been down to just one bottle at bedtime for a week or more, but Saturday night we ended that. When bedtime rolled around, I just went and laid Ava in her bed, turned on her lullaby, and walked out. She did not make a peep! She went straight to sleep without one word, fuss, whine, or cry. It has now been 4 nights of no ba-ba, and she still has not made one fuss when I put her down for bed!!!

Yesterday, we went for 12 month shots. We had to have 5 shots this time. 2 in each thigh, and one in the right arm. It went as well as could be expected. Ava screamed from the time we laid her down, until we were done and I picked her up. I hate having to hold my child down while she is screaming in pain. That is the most horrible thing I have had to do in the past year. This was our fourth round of shots, and it just gets harder and harder for Ava & Mama each and every time!

We are off to Hunter's 2 yr. birthday party this weekend. It should be fun!! Will post on that next week.


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Sorry we missed the party!! Not enough hours in a day. Love the pictures!! Poor Ava!! I hope she decides to try a sippy cup.

April, Todd, and Ava said...

She is using the sippy now! She picked it up on her own one day a couple weeks ago, and hasn't hardly put it down since.