Friday, October 5, 2007

Sorry so long!

Ok so I know I know I'm slacking... but like I said the blog is mainly for after Ava enters this world!
I do have a few things to report. I went to the doctor Monday. Everything looked great, he said my weight was perfect (glad he thinks so!), fundal height was dead on for my due date, and Ava's heart rate was great at 155!
I do however have, what he called, a compressed nerve in my lower back. It is KILLING me! It is getting worse by the day, and is making the muscles around it sore as well. I can barely walk at times. Everytime I take a step with my right leg or move my back the wrong way a sharp pain shoots from the right side of my lower back, down my butt and about 6 inches down into my leg. It sucks!!!!!!
On another note, Me and Todd are off to Memphis this weekend to visit his sister (who is also pregnant) and her family. We aren't planning anything big while we are there just a nice relaxing weekend with them, so I won't be overdoing it I assure you!!
Well that's about all I have for now!
Love You All!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

Ouch!!! That sounds painful. Hope you and Todd have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I hope you and Todd have a great weekend. Hope you get some relief from the pain.